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Is there any way you can sober up quickly before driving?

On Behalf of | Aug 5, 2024 | DWI Defense

You enjoy going out and having a few drinks with friends or coworkers from time to time. You generally watch your alcohol consumption so that it is safe to drive home. 

But one evening, you realize that you are probably a little too intoxicated to drive. You need to sober up or you could be at risk of a drunk driving arrest. Is there anything that you could do to quickly sober up so that you can drive safely?

Myths abound

There are many different myths about things you can do to sober up in a hurry. Some people claim you could drink a cup of water or a cup of hot coffee. Others claim that you just need to take a cold shower. Still others say that a large meal will do it, diluting the alcohol and bringing your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) down.

But none of these things actually work. They do not reduce your blood alcohol concentration. Eating food just slows down alcohol absorption if you do it before drinking. Having a cup of coffee or taking a cold shower just makes you feel more awake or more alert, but it does not alter your BAC at all.

It is problematic to buy into these myths because you may believe you have taken the necessary steps to be a safe and legal driver, when the reality is that you are still driving under the influence. Having a cup of coffee is not going to help you pass a breath test, even if it wakes you up. 

If you find yourself under arrest, it’s important to carefully look into all of your legal options. This is true for a first-time DWI or a subsequent charge, which can result in a more severe sentence.