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Study drugs can lead to significant criminal charges

On Behalf of | Jan 16, 2025 | Drug Crimes

College students often have heavy schedules that are filled with classes, study sessions, assignments and possibly work. This sometimes leaves little time for sleep, which can make the students desperate to find ways to get sleep and still do their best in school.

Some students turn to study drugs to help them stay awake and focus on their schoolwork. The issue with this is that these drugs are prescription drugs, typically those prescribed for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, but they aren’t written to the person using them as study drugs. 

Consequences of using study drugs

A student who gets prescription drugs from someone else is doing something illegal. Prescriptions can only be used by the person to whom they’re prescribed. The person who’s providing the drugs and the one who’s receiving the drugs can both face criminal charges. 

Some colleges have a code of ethics that includes not using drugs. Students who use study drugs may also face disciplinary action from the school, which could mean they’re kicked out of school and can’t continue their education. 

There are also health risks that come with using someone else’s prescriptions. This is dangerous and could be avoided if the person doesn’t use the other person’s medications. 

A college student who’s caught using study drugs should ensure they understand their rights and responsibilities for developing a defense strategy. Having the assistance of someone who understands what’s on the line with these cases and what options might be available to mitigate the sentence may be beneficial for the defendant.